Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas in Maine with Mom
Gianni and I spent the 4 days after Christmas in Rockland, Maine with mom. The first day was a cozy indoor day avoiding the rain. The second day Gianni and I skied at Camden Snow Bowl for the first time. Only the lower mountain was open, so we enjoyed riding the t-bar all day. We took a break for lunch and went ice skating at the local rink, then headed back for some more turns. It was Gianni's first day alpine skiing of the year. The next day we headed back up after some fresh snow. Gianni used his telemark skis and successfully worked on developing his tele turns. The last day we had to pack up and drive mom to Logan Airport. The highlight of the trip was spending lots of time with mom and enjoying the many great restaurants each night! After dropping mom off in Boston, we turned around and headed up to Stowe, a nine hour day on the road.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
First Ski of the Year
We spent another weekend up in Stowe visiting the McKenna-Wassers. I managed to get out on the trails at Trapps both days, inaugurating another ski season! I felt a bit rusty, but the fresh air and exercise did wonders for my mind.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Another Weekend in Stowe
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving in Florida

Once again we spent Thanksgiving in Melbourne Beach. It was another wonderful trip, short yet rejuvenating. As usual mom hosted dinner at her house and Gianni was the super-helper setting up everything for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We spent the days as usual, at the beach and on the boat. One of the highlights of the trip was the morning that Gianni woke us up early to watch sunrise. Mom and I were a little reluctant to motivate, but we went with Gianni's enthusiasm. As you can see from the picture, it was a magical morning. We should all watch sunrise every day!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Launching of the Babson Island 14

Recently we launch the Babson Island 14, which Dad, Gianni and I built over the last year. It was a very rewarding project. We are so thankful to have had Dad, a professional boat builder, to guide and teach us along the way. We call the boat "Gianni's Boat," as he worked on it countless hours after school and over the summers. Thanks to Dad for passing on his love of wooden boats to two more generations. I am quite sure that Gianni will pass on the joy this boat brings to the generations to come. To see how the boat went together, click here.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Map and Compass at Cardigan Weekend

A couple of weekends ago we joined the rest of the NH AMC Family Group at Cardigan Lodge for our annual outing. This year Gianni and his friends decided to participate in a new map and compass program instead of climbing Mt. Cardigan. The kids learned how to use a map and compass. Then they applied their skills leading us on three bushwhacks over the two days. We successfully arrived at our destination each time. Of course the dishwasher was a big hit again this year, with the kids cleaning up so helpfully after each meal. It is really empowering to know that we can go wherever we want in the woods and not get lost!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Veteran's Day Ride

On Veteran's Day I took these five boys for a bike ride from Haley Farm out to Bluff Point. The boys had fun crossing the railroad bridge and exploring a little single track on the way out. We had lunch on the bluff. The boys played for an hour at the bottom of the cliff, building things with rocks and flotsam. We limped home with one flat tire. I think they are all ready to do it again soon!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Nashua River Rail Trail Ride

We enjoyed a fun day on the Nashua River Rail Trail today with the AMC Family Group. The kids kept a fast pace for the 18 miles. We enjoyed lunch, beaver ponds and perfect fall weather. I had heard so much about how the rail trails are great for kids. Sure enough it was a perfect ride for families and kids of any age. Afterwards, we picked up ski boots for Gianni in Nashua, NH and then stopped by Paul's house in Acton on the way home.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Night Ride
I took Gianni and 7 of his friends for a bike ride at Bluff Point last Saturday night. It was the annual Halloween Night Ride sponsored by Mystic Cycle Centre. It rained hard on the drive down, so we were worried that we were going to get soaked, but the rain paused when we arrived at Bluff. The boys mounted lights on their handlebars, in some cases just a flashlight and duct tape. We signed in and headed out on the loop. I led and my dad and John Fogg followed the boys so we wouldn't loose any of them. The boys were hooting and hollering the whole way. It started to rain a bit toward the end, which made it that much more exciting. We made it back safely despite many falls. We brought them back home for a sleep over. That's a whole other story! In the morning, we checked the bikes, three flats! The boys are already planning on doing it again next year.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Quick, Cold Morning with the Blues

It was a cold Columbus Day morning. Gianni and I went out on Hobbes early to fish the surface at first light. Within an hour Gianni boated 5 bluefish to 9 pounds. As he hooked the last fish, he turned to me and said, "Dad, I feel bad, do you want to reel this one in?" All I did was drive the boat, put him on fish, unhook and smile. We were on our way home by 8am. It was a perfect father/son moment.
Rock Climbing Lantern Hill
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Gianni's First Metric Century

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Century Warm Up Ride

Gianni and I went on a short warm up ride this afternoon to get ready for our big annual ride next weekend. We did 9 miles with several big hills. Gianni was testing out new pedals. A woman pulled out in front of us, he slammed on the breaks and had trouble getting out of the pedals; almost fell into the road. Now he is nervous about the new pedals. Back to the old ones. It felt great to get out there with him. I can't believe how much stronger he gets from one ride to the next. I have to ride often to get stronger, while he just has to play, grow and be a kid.
Almost Finished the Babson Island 14

After a year of on-and-off work, we finally finished building and sanding Gianni's new rowboat, a Babson Island 14. We put the final coat of primer on it this week. Hopefully, we can complete all the coats of finish paint in the next few weeks and test it before the snow flies. Gianni and my dad did most of the work over the course of the last year. Thank you Dad/Grandpa!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Narragansett Surf
We went surfing last Sunday in Narragansett for the first time. John Fogg and his son, Christian, decided to join us at the last minute. When we arrived, we were happy to see that the break was on. Gianni took a couple of rides, while Christian rode the body board. Gianni proceeded to teach Christian how to surf, pushing him in and giving him tips. Christian ended up standing and enjoying many, many rides. Gianni finished out the session with his trademark antics of the headstands and reverse coffin drop-ins. John and I shared my board in the outer break. We both enjoyed all the waves our bodies could handle. The September sun brought us warmth and the good times with friends made for a day to remember!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Labor Day on Block Island
Last weekend Gianni and I took our 20 foot SeaCraft, Hobbes, over to Block Island and met up with the Pearse's and other friends. We towed our zodiac over. Gianni spent the afternoon on the beach with the kids and I buzzed around to the south side of the island to surf. I anchored off Southwest Point and enjoyed one of the nicest days of surfing of the year. Back in New Harbor we rafted up and went to the Oar for dinner. The next morning Tim Comstock took us out fishing for black sea bass in his lobster boat. It was blowing 25+ knots. We worked hard in the seas to bring home just enough for dinner. The big surprise of the trip was that when we arrived back in the harbor Jon's boat was high and dry. We waited out the tide with him. It was getting late and the wind had not dropped off, so Gianni and I decided to spend another night under our tent fly in the front of Hobbes. Gianni had the idea of pulling Jon's boat off the beach with the zodiac, so Jon pushed and Gianni pulled with the boat and she floated. We helped Jon navigate through the anchor field and wished them safe passage, as they had to get home. By then it was late and dark so we went over to Champlain's to join in the New Years celebration. Gianni enjoyed an $8 ice cream cone and we headed back to the boat. We slept very well the second night on the boat as the wind finally calmed. Waking to a beautiful day on Block was inspirational, and the passage home perfect.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Mt. Carrigain

We had so much fun last week climbing the Presidentials that we decided to head right back up to New Hampshire this weekend. We had hoped for a two day trip, but the rain from the tropical storm kept us home on Saturday. I woke up early on Sunday and headed north. When Gianni awoke we picked a mountain to climb. Of course, he voted for Mt. Carrigain because it has a fire tower. The weather was perfectly September-like. Lunch in the tower was definitely a treat as we enjoyed the views. It was a lengthy hike, 10 miles, and thus we arrived back at the car late. We stopped for soup, as usual at the Common Man and then hit the road. We listened to Far North by Will Hobbs on the car ride home. What a fantastic story of survival in the Northwest Territories!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Presidential Traverse

Our last adventure of the summer was a four day traverse of the Presidential Range in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We decided to try and do it the longest and highest way possible. So we started in the south up the Webster Cliff Trail and summitted all of the peaks possible (11) on our way over Madison and out to Appalacia in the north.
The climb up Webster Cliff was very difficult and hot, over 3 miles of straight up. Luckily we met up with two AT through-hikers who were absolutely wonderful characters. Gianni loved them and wasn't going to loose stride. He picked up to their blistering pace and we finished out the 7 mile climb over Webster and Jackson to Mizpah Hut in great time, beating the rain. Gianni could not get enough of their stories. Happy trails to those two wonderful men!
Day 2 found us setting out in a passing shower. We made very quick time over Pierce, Eisenhower, Franklin, and Monroe, arriving at the Lake of Clouds Hut by noon. The weather was calm but foggy, so the views were limited. After claiming our bunks and lunch we saw Washington appear in the sun. Inspired, we raced to the summit for some brief views and photos. Then as always the weather changed quickly. Our decent back to the hut was difficult with a strong crosswind and driving rain. We were soaked by the time we reached the hut. We met up with Wanda, Eric (9) and Ian (7) Rice at Lakes. The three boys were excited to hike together.
Day 3 was simply epic. The weather was perfect and we spent almost 10 hours on the trail enjoying it. We summitted Washington, again, and the headed over Clay and Jefferson. We began the difficult, 2 mile trip up Adams (second highest peak in the northeast) late in the day, but still made it to Madison Springs Hut by dinner. The pictures of our day tell it all.

On the final day, we summitted Madison in a 40 knot breeze. We had to hold on with our hands. Check out this video from the summit. We had a pleasant hike down Valley Way and reached the cars minutes before the rain. On the way home all we could think and talk about was doing it again soon!
North Truro

Mike Wasser and Patti McKenna so graciously invited us out to join them in North Truro the third week in August. We headed out to PTown with the van loaded with gear. The surf was tiny, so we didn't wet the sticks. The fishing was wonderful, with plenty of bass and blues. We enjoyed wake surfing on Mike's boat and Gianni finally overcame his fear of wakeboarding, successfully getting up and making some turns. The boys had fun fooling around with a longboard behind the boat, too, and then there was the tube, of course! Chef Mike fed us well every night. Really good times!
Sailing to Block and Montauk

After our Falmouth trip we turned around in an afternoon and headed out to sea on another adventure. We spent the first week of August sailing with the Costa's to Block Island and Montauk. This was our 9th annual "Montauk trip." This year we decided to spice it up and do Block as well. Actually, the plans were for more. We woke up the first morning to a dead motor. We discovered several air leaks in the fuel line. It took us until 11:00 am to buy parts, fix the problems and get under way. Our initial goal of Newport was now out of sight, so we set sail for Block. We had a wonderful crossing and luckily picked up one of the last free mornings when we arrived. Gianni was the Zodiac captain, shuttling the crew all over the salt pond.
The weather was so nice that we decided to spend another day on the hook. We anchored at the back to the pond and enjoyed a day at the town beach. The next day we set sail for Montauk. We enjoyed our traditional stay at Star Island Yacht Club and feasted on seafood. Our sail home was most enjoyable hitting The Race on a perfect tide. We can't wait for next year!
Week in Falmouth

Gianni and I spent the last week of July at Paul's house in East Falmouth, on the Cape. It was a great week together with the families. I was able to bike quite a bit, finishing out the week with two 50 mile rides. I was actually feeling pretty strong on the bike for a change. We took the kids fishing, boating, waterskiing, etc. One of the highlights of the trip was our excursion to Coast Guard Beach out on the National Seashore. It was a great day at the beach and I was able to surf for a couple of hours. We saw several seals, too. It was a very relaxing week. We went over to Martha's Vineyard twice on Paul's boat. We enjoyed more bridge jumping outside of Oaks Bluff. Check out this video of Gianni jumping!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Camping on Burton Island

We spent last weekend camping with the McKenna-Wasser family on Burton Island, Lake Champlain, Vermont. The trip was planned for Friday to Sunday. Friday was a magical day. We took Mike's boat over to the island and setup camp. The weather was perfect, so we took the kids tubing and wake surfing. We had a wonderful dinner. Saturday, we went fishing and water skiing. The kids caught plenty of fish to keep them smiling! The forecast for Saturday night and Sunday was all rain, so we packed up and headed to Stowe around 6pm. We enjoyed spending Sunday in Stowe, eating bagels, walking the quiet path with Boo and attending the Lamoille County Fair.
Surf Camp in Cocoa Beach

Monday, July 6, 2009
Another Two Weeks in Nicaragua
We took a group of 7 to Granada, Nicaragua for two weeks. We studied Spanish at Casa Xalteva and went on many adventures. Hear the tales and see all the photos at

The best way to learn about our adventure is to go to our blog.
Trip blog:
Trip blog:
Monday, June 22, 2009
Willey Range Traverse

Pequot Cyclists Annual Picnic Ride

AMC Trail Work on the Willard Trail
Cape Weekend for Paul's 40th
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mt. Jackson and Mt. Pierce

Check out my Flickr Photostream for more photos.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Rock Climbing in Quincy Quarries

Saturday, May 2, 2009
April Break in Floida

Friday, April 10, 2009
Tuckerman Ravine

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Our First Ice Climb
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
February Vacation with Friends and Family

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Winter Break in Florida

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