Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Night Ride

I took Gianni and 7 of his friends for a bike ride at Bluff Point last Saturday night. It was the annual Halloween Night Ride sponsored by Mystic Cycle Centre. It rained hard on the drive down, so we were worried that we were going to get soaked, but the rain paused when we arrived at Bluff. The boys mounted lights on their handlebars, in some cases just a flashlight and duct tape. We signed in and headed out on the loop. I led and my dad and John Fogg followed the boys so we wouldn't loose any of them. The boys were hooting and hollering the whole way. It started to rain a bit toward the end, which made it that much more exciting. We made it back safely despite many falls. We brought them back home for a sleep over. That's a whole other story! In the morning, we checked the bikes, three flats! The boys are already planning on doing it again next year.