Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week in Falmouth

Gianni and I spent the last week of July at Paul's house in East Falmouth, on the Cape. It was a great week together with the families. I was able to bike quite a bit, finishing out the week with two 50 mile rides. I was actually feeling pretty strong on the bike for a change. We took the kids fishing, boating, waterskiing, etc. One of the highlights of the trip was our excursion to Coast Guard Beach out on the National Seashore. It was a great day at the beach and I was able to surf for a couple of hours. We saw several seals, too. It was a very relaxing week. We went over to Martha's Vineyard twice on Paul's boat. We enjoyed more bridge jumping outside of Oaks Bluff. Check out this video of Gianni jumping!