Saturday, May 2, 2009

April Break in Floida

Gianni and I had a very relaxing week in Florida. We did less than usual and it felt great. We did get over to Disney for Gianni's first experience with Cirque du Soleil, which was amazing, of course. For some reason there were no crowds in the morning. We were walking on rides all morning in the Magic Kingdom. We spent the afternoon at Epcot, the highlights being Soar and a show in Germany. This trip was different than most, as we biked and surfed little (no swell). However, we did have our best luck fishing ever. A friend of my mom's showed us a new lure and technique. Gianni went out to try it and in 10 minutes caught a trout and jack. A couple of days later we went again, catching jack and 4 sea trout to 22 inches in just a half hour! As usual, we raced on Sleighride (J/30) with Jan and Jerry in heavy air. The last weekend we were chase boat for the Melbourne Yacht Cub Spring Regatta. This was really fun for Gianni as he was in charge of the VHF radio and setting the marks. It was a relaxing, good time.