Last weekend, I took 45 teenagers skiing on our first high school ski club trip of the season. It was a beautiful day, plenty of sunshine and cool temps. The conditions at Stratton were really nice. Gianni and I enjoyed a long day on the slopes skiing with his soccer buddy, Sean. For me, the best part of the trip was that no one was injured!
This weekend we headed up to Stowe again. Yesterday Gianni and Ben fooled around outside in the snow, while I skated to the cabin at Trapps. It was cold, but the snow was excellent. Today, Gianni, Ben and I woke up at 6am and caught the first chair on the quad at 7:30. It was cold again, but the conditions were super and we enjoyed a full morning of skiing with little traffic. Nosedive was the highlight of the day. I don't know how many times we skied it. Mid-morning we met up with Mike and Rosalie and enjoyed fun runs over at the gondola, and the warmth. It was a very full day of skiing. Time to head home now...