Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Seacoast Century

We set out with a goal of 50 miles...three generations, dad at 67, me at 40, and Gianni at 9. The Seacoast Century proved to be a perfect ride, with sun, cool weather and a scenic coast. After camping Friday night, we woke to a cool morning in the low 30's. We hustled out to meet the rest of the bike club, the Pequot Cyclists, at the event starting area. Most of the group rode 75 or 100 miles. Gianni's goal was 50, so he set the pace. The ride was spectacular along the coast. Gianni led our team of three to the finish as strong as he started. It was pretty obvious that he'll be faster than my dad and I soon. We spent another night at the campground eating and socializing with the rest of the club. Of course, Gianni was in charge of the marshmallows. Needless to say Gianni was tired after his soccer game the next day. To youth!