Monday, August 18, 2008

Another Night Sail

After a couple of days of fun in Provincetown, Gianni and I set sail for my bother's house in East Falmouth. We left knowing that we were headed into a cold front, but knew that it would pass later in the day, leaving us with great conditions. We sailed across Cape Cod bay trying to make the outgoing tide at the Cape Cod Canal. The winds were up and down and in the end we did not make great time. We pulled up to the beach off of the canal at 6:oo pm in a 15 knot breeze and again dogging thunderstorms. We set anchor and started dinner and then the big storms hit. Luckily we were dry and cozy in the cabin enjoying dinner. As the sun set, the last few storms moved by and we went to sleep. I woke up at 1:00 am to a full moon, beautiful skies and a stiff breeze. The current was perfect in the canal, so I set sail with Gianni still sleeping and screamed through the canal at 8 knots. I had another perfect sail through Buzzards Bay and a magical passage through Woods Hole at sunrise. I never saw another boat all night long! We sailed through Vineyard Sound and into Waquoit Bay by early morning, ending the 55 mile voyage. After a challenging, muddy anchoring we waited pickup from my brother, Paul. After two moonlit night trips through Buzzards Bay in one week, I'd have to say that these were some of the most special moments of my life.