Sunday, July 20, 2008

Back in Nicaragua

I made it to Granada, Nicaragua after a day and a half of traveling. What a beautiful town - it is one of the oldest Spanish colonial cities in the Americas. After getting settled Friday, I had a wonderful weekend getting to know the town and people. I was here 12 years ago, and it has really changed! It is a much more popular tourist destination than it used to be (both good and bad). After meeting another aid worker over breakfast on Saturday, I went for a long walk along Lake Nicaragua, one of the biggest in our hemisphere. I spent the afternoon talking to the founder and directors of an interesting non-profit I discovered over breakfast, Casa Xaltera. The program is a combination of Spanish language classes, touristy excursions, volunteer commuity service, and assisstance program for local street kids. After spending the better part to the day getting to know the program and staff, I plan to promote this opportunity to kids in southeastern Connecticut. Today I went to watch a doubleheader baseball game at the main stadium. Nicaraguans are crazy about baseball! Tomorrow is the big day of my visit, as I will spend the day with the AMIGOS de las Americas staff touring project sites. I am really looking forward to seeing how they run their assistance projects at the ground level. I will post pictures of my adventure and another update after I finish my investigations with AMIGOS.