Monday, May 28, 2012

Moriah Carter Wildcat Traverse

Over the long Memorial Day weekend we did a full traverse of the Moriah, Carter and Wildcat ranges. We started by hiking up to Imp campsite. We dropped our gear and summited Moriah. What an amazing open ridge approach! The next day we crossed over all the the Carters and finished up at Carter Notch Hut. After some good food and rest we headed out the next day and crossed all the Wildcats. It was a really nice weekend and we managed to bag six 4,000 footers!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Moosilauke and Cannon

We spent the weekend hiking up in New Hampshire. We hiked Moosilauke on Saturday and Cannon on Sunday. We hiked the Beaver Brook Trail to Moosilauke. What a fun steep trail: 2,000' verticle in 1.5 miles to get up on the ridge. Cannon was almost as fun and steep.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Zealand Hut and Mt. Hale Weekend


We did our annual spring hut trip with the NH AMC Family Group. It was a perfect weekend. After an easy hike into the hut we took a small group of boys up to the summit of Mt. Hale.