Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sailing with the Coasta's

While Gianni was in Europe I worked and fished a bit with Jon. Also, I did a lot of sailing with the Costa's. These are pictures from a couple of our trips. Missed Gianni.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Gianni's First Big Solo Adventure

Sending Gianni off on a three week adventure to Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. He had a blast. We missed him!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Vacation in Florida

We had a wonderful trip to Florida again, spending our typical 2 summer weeks there. The first week was surf camp for Gianni. Paul and family came down for the 4th. We enjoyed sailing with Jan on Sleighride, as usual. The surf was unusually good for summer. I enjoy several excellent sessions before we had to leave midweek to get Gianni home for his People to People trip. Can't wait for next summer!