Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lastest Surf Trick

Gianni is up to his same old antics. He is still enjoying moves from last year, the coffin drop-in and tripod head stand, but his new mission is a skeg first drop-in, followed by a 180 degree spin of the board and then a nice ride down the line. Above, he just paddled in and is getting up, skeg first. Below, he is starting the spin of the board. After two days, he is able to pull off the move, but the ride in is usually cut short as he is off balance coming out of the 180. If last year is any measure (head stands), he'll be showcasing the move successfully at the "competition" on Friday. He is too funny. I want him to work on his form and all the important technical things about surfing. He just wants to fool around and have fun. I think he has the right idea!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nice Weekend on the Water

We enjoyed a great weekend of boating in Connecticut. Patti, Mike, Ben, Rosalie and Boo came down for a visit from Vermont. On Saturday we launched Hobbes out of Barn Island and after a bit of exploring, gas and shifting plans, we headed over to Fishers Island, NY. We enjoyed the afternoon at East Harbor, while Boo and the kids played and played. The highlight was Mike rigging up his new kids windsurfer. He proceeded to teach all three kids to windsurf. They are hooked! Back at the house the kids enjoyed more swimming in the pool. On Sunday, Mike, Ben, Gianni and I went back out early for some Father's Day fishing. Patti and Rosalie went down to Dad's to ride horses. Out on the water, we slowly made our way around to the south side of Fishers when the action started. We caught 6 fish, from which we then enjoyed a crispy fish meal at Mike's cousin's house, before they headed home. It definitely was a nice Father's Day and so nice to have our great friends down to CT.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pequot Cyclists' Annual Picnic

We enjoyed a nice weekend working on the house and getting the pool ready. Our "fun highlight" was riding in the Pequot Cyclists' annual picnic ride. We had a relaxing ride along the shore and enjoyed sharing good food with the group afterward.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Global Finals, Take Two

We just spent a week at the University of Tennessee competing at the Destination Imagination Global Finals. It was a great experience. Thank you to all of our supporters! Read all about it at http://lcsdi.blogspot.com.