Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving in Florida

Once again we spent Thanksgiving in Melbourne Beach. It was another wonderful trip, short yet rejuvenating. As usual mom hosted dinner at her house and Gianni was the super-helper setting up everything for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We spent the days as usual, at the beach and on the boat. One of the highlights of the trip was the morning that Gianni woke us up early to watch sunrise. Mom and I were a little reluctant to motivate, but we went with Gianni's enthusiasm. As you can see from the picture, it was a magical morning. We should all watch sunrise every day!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Launching of the Babson Island 14

Recently we launch the Babson Island 14, which Dad, Gianni and I built over the last year. It was a very rewarding project. We are so thankful to have had Dad, a professional boat builder, to guide and teach us along the way. We call the boat "Gianni's Boat," as he worked on it countless hours after school and over the summers. Thanks to Dad for passing on his love of wooden boats to two more generations. I am quite sure that Gianni will pass on the joy this boat brings to the generations to come. To see how the boat went together, click here.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Map and Compass at Cardigan Weekend

A couple of weekends ago we joined the rest of the NH AMC Family Group at Cardigan Lodge for our annual outing. This year Gianni and his friends decided to participate in a new map and compass program instead of climbing Mt. Cardigan. The kids learned how to use a map and compass. Then they applied their skills leading us on three bushwhacks over the two days. We successfully arrived at our destination each time. Of course the dishwasher was a big hit again this year, with the kids cleaning up so helpfully after each meal. It is really empowering to know that we can go wherever we want in the woods and not get lost!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Veteran's Day Ride

On Veteran's Day I took these five boys for a bike ride from Haley Farm out to Bluff Point. The boys had fun crossing the railroad bridge and exploring a little single track on the way out. We had lunch on the bluff. The boys played for an hour at the bottom of the cliff, building things with rocks and flotsam. We limped home with one flat tire. I think they are all ready to do it again soon!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nashua River Rail Trail Ride

We enjoyed a fun day on the Nashua River Rail Trail today with the AMC Family Group. The kids kept a fast pace for the 18 miles. We enjoyed lunch, beaver ponds and perfect fall weather. I had heard so much about how the rail trails are great for kids. Sure enough it was a perfect ride for families and kids of any age. Afterwards, we picked up ski boots for Gianni in Nashua, NH and then stopped by Paul's house in Acton on the way home.