Monday, June 22, 2009

Willey Range Traverse

On May 31st, Gianni and I climbed three 4,000 footers in one day. It was quite the trip, our most challenging day hike to date. After summitting Mt. Tom we hiked the Willey Range Trail over Mt. Field and Mt. Willey. It was an 8 hour day, covering 7.5 miles. In the end, the rain hit us hard making it an even more memorable experience. Gianni made it to the car with more energy that I did. Scary!

Pequot Cyclists Annual Picnic Ride

On June 7th we did the annual picnic ride with the Pequot Cyclists and Grandpa Tom. Gianni rode hard and fast for 16 miles. He is getting stronger. The food and company was wonderful afterwards.

AMC Trail Work on the Willard Trail

We spent May 30th working on the Willard Trail in Crawford Notch with the AMC family group. We put in a 6 hour day, complete with a hail storm. Of course, Gianni had a blast and worked as hard as any adult. The trail still has a long way to go, but we have made some progress over the last 3 years.

Cape Weekend for Paul's 40th

We spent the weekend of May 23rd at my brothers new house on Cape Cod. We surprised him when he arrived. The kids spent a relaxing weekend together and inaugurated the boating season. We celebrated birthdays for Paul, Sammy and Helen.