Monday, December 22, 2008

Niantic Bay Light Parade

My dad and Gianni spent a couple of weeks decorating the tandem bike that they ride to school with lights. They powered the lights with a battery charged by solar panels. They called their creation a Solar Human Hybrid Car. They had fun riding it in the Niantic Bay Light Parade last week. Their creation was one of the more popular with spectators. See more pictures...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving in Key West

Gianni and I went to Key West over Thanksgiving with my mom and brother's family. The weather was great and we ate well. We were able to get in one full day of snorkeling, before the wind picked up. We saw dozens of barracuda, four sharks, many sea turtles, big eels, etc. I hadn't swam with sharks since I was a kid, so it brought back many fond memories of growing up snorkeling off of Miami with my family.